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Denver > Personals > Women Seeking Women > Seeking Denver Woman - 30

Seeking Denver Woman - 30

Denver, CO • 08/29/2007

O.K. ladies, I need your opinions....My friends and I are single, straight, females, between the ages of 26-30. We have heard the straight, single scene is Denver is great, but want to hear from you, if that is true.

We are pondering moving to the Denver area, but want to talk to someone who actually lives there.

We are hoping to move to the Denver area, get teaching jobs (we are all teachers), an apartment and enjoy the outdoor recreation Colorado has to offer, plus the single scene and the Colorado men, but not necesssarily in that order.

Any advise at all would be helpful! Trying to research a move has been challenging, so I appreciate your time and two cents! :)



Posted by: OhSoHandy User

Located: Denver, CO

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